Romantic Confusion

Romantic Confusion
He was seeking peace
She was seeking peace
And they were quarreling over a piece of letter
He show innocence in gaming
She show innocence in gaming
But in blaming he was great and she was better

He was pretty romantic
She was pretty romantic
But romance in letter was not pretty to either
He knew her handwriting
She knew his handwriting
But writing in letter was nor his, her niether

He was very hot
She was very hot
But hotter was the letter’s lusty force
He forever loved knot
She forever loved knot
But none of them was backing off from divorce

Then new ‘He’ came
Then new ‘She’ came
‘She’ was daughter in law  and ‘He’ was son
New ‘they’ speak of letter
Old ‘they’ speak of letter
And both ‘they’ hide face and run

New ‘they’ went to room
Old ‘they’ went to room
And room between them was null to fear
New ‘He’ kissed new ‘She’
Old ‘He’ kissed old ‘She’
And both ‘He’ closed the door for admiring their dear ;)

©Abhinav Mankar
